வியாழன், அக்டோபர் 06, 2022

Ageing in Ayurveda

Ageing in Ayurveda

Ayurveda defines Jara or aging as a natural phenomenon and inevitable. Health depends on the status of Doshas. It can bring early aging or delay the process. During the childhood, kapha is dominant; during the youth, pitta is dominant and post 50, 60 years of age is the Vata stage of life. 

Preventive Ayurveda techniques during late youth and middle-age can reduce health issues in the elderly and increase longevity. It mainly focuses on balancing the Vata, enhancing the ojas, and implementing the rasayana medicines. 

Some of the common things that can followed to have a healthier ageing are :

1. Eat easy-to-digest foods, eat only when hungry, take meals that include more anti oxidants, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.
2. Sleep is very important to maintain the circardian rhythm. Meditation is a healthy way to bring proper sleep.
3. Following the daily practices (Dinacharya) and seasonal regimes (Ritucharya) also plays a major role in one’s health.
4. Oil application is the best treatment for Vata aggravation. Hence daily practice of Abhyangam (massage) is beneficial in balancing the Vata.
5. Yoga improves joint health, bladder control, sleep, digestive issues, etc. 
6. Including rasayana herbs like aswagandha, triphala, chyavanaprash, etc
7. Protect the sense organs by washing eyes with water, tongue cleaning, oil pulling, nasya, etc.


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